Collectors' items
Renowned museums and passionate collectors are doing us the honour of making available pieces that have never been exhibited before.

These collectors’ items will help you travel back in time to the origins of the bicycle and make your eyes shine in front of old “bécanes”, emblematic jerseys, prestigious trophies and unique documents.
We would like to extend our warmest thanks for their collaboration and partnership in making available a wide variety of items, objects and documents: le Musée de la Vie wallonne et la Maison des Sports de la Province de Liège, la Famille de Feu Roger WÉRY, la Maison de la Mémoire du Cyclisme asbl avec Michel NOËL, Guy CRASSET et Vincent PIETTE, la Belgian Cycling, Philippe GILBERT, André DEMEULENAERE, Bernard LALOUX, Jean-Guy CRASSET, Jean-Pierre ROPET, Paul et Fernand WALHAIN, Edgard LEDENT, le Royal Cylist’s Pesant Club Liégeois Asbl, la Fédération Cycliste Wallonie-Bruxelles (FCWB), Section de Liège et la Commune d’Aywaille et bien d’autres.